Partner with Raisin UK

Since launching in 2013, Raisin has successfully delivered billions in funding to partner banks throughout Europe, with country-dedicated platforms in Germany, France, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands and the UK, and most recently North America.

We provide a quick, easy and cost-efficient way for banks to diversify liquidity and raise full retail deposits. We don’t charge banks setup costs and we can onboard banks in as little as 6 weeks.


Email us about partnering today

Raisin UKRaisin UKRaisin UK

Market resilience

Through our fully regulated marketplace, we offer partner banks a cost-efficient method of diversifying into online cash retail savings deposits. We make it easier for banks to react to the “new normal” through a recognisable, safe and secure online savings platforms that enables cash depositors to quickly, easily and confidently open deposit products.

Our fintech platform has overcome challenges and market volatility and remained focused on meeting the needs of our customers. Due to our online paperwork and wet signature free process, our customers have been able to quickly and easily open and manage savings products online and over the phone without any interruption.

As our platform has been free of interruptions, partner banks have been able to successfully onboard and take deposits throughout the lockdown. As UK savers gravitate to cash savings for capital protection, our traffic levels have increased with no adverse impact on our operational capability.

Diversified access to liquidity

We offer banks access to retail funding that provides a way to even out liquidity profiles. Our operational models feature onboarding and marketing options, with significant build-out for distribution capability, helping banks acquire funding and increase brand exposure and awareness.

Banks that partner with us benefit from cost-effective and operationally efficient liquidity channels. Our platform is free from minimum volume guarantees, and our partner banks control rates, products and inflow volumes, with many of our partner banks opting for inflow targets between £5m and £50m per month.

No setup costs

As our platform operates on a performance-based model dependent on the deposit volumes, there are no direct onboarding costs and no need for further budgets. In fact, through working with partner banks, we find that the operational efficiencies and direct cost of funds benefits that are comparable in cost to inhouse solutions.

Access our network of channel partners

All onboarding partner banks have the opportunity to market and distribute their savings products through our network of channel partners. Utilising our distribution channel partners, our partner banks can tailor their products for wealth management channels, investment platforms, private banks and other fintech marketplaces, without any additional budget requirements.

Use our infrastructure

As an added benefit, our partner banks gain access to our infrastructure, including our online banking system, customer services and deposit reporting and marketplace MI services. This enables our partner banks to make informed decisions on how to develop products to meet inflow requirements.

Fast onboarding process

We can tailor our onboarding timelines to meet your requirements, with our onboarding process taking a few months or as little as 4 weeks. Below is a diagram that shows the steps of an onboarding process with a 4 to 6 weeks timeline:

Full support from onboarding onwards

Dedicated account manager

When you partner with us, we’ll assign you a dedicated account manager who will guide you through the onboarding process.

Raisin resources

Through your account manager, you’ll gain access to our resources, including our data, to help you optimise your costs and market strategies.

Ongoing support

Once we’ve onboarded you onto our marketplace, we’ll continue supporting you, providing insights and highlighting expansion opportunities.

Quick and easy communication

Easily and quickly contact your dedicated account manager with a phone call or via email.

Raisin heritage across Europe




Partner banks



53.0 bn

EUR Deposit volumes




Market Places

Established in Berlin in 2013, Raisin quickly became one of the most successful technology-led financial services companies in Europe, attracting over $200 million from investors, including the following companies:


Our partner banks in the UK


How Raisin UK works

This diagram shows the fully regulated journey of a customer’s money from their bank or building society account to the ClearBank- operated Transaction Account and on to the partner bank, including the option to include or exclude Meteor Asset Management’s (MAM) services.

  • ClearBank provides the service bank functionality of the Transaction Account, holding and transferring deposits between the customer, and either MAM or partner bank accounts.
  • MAM acts as a deposit administrator for some of our partner banks, holding deposits in a bare trust arrangement, transferring money in grouped batches between the ClearBank-operated Transaction Account and partner bank accounts.

When a customer opens a product through our platform, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) checks can be carried out by MAM and a partner bank, with the option of using one or both, depending on the preferred operational model. Regardless of the operational model, AML/KYC checks are always carried out when a customer registers for a Raisin UK Account.

Find out more about how we explain Raisin UK to our customers by visiting our ‘How Raisin UK works’ page.

Partner with an established retail savings marketplace

If you would like to find out more about partnering with us, including the services we offer and prospective inflow volumes, please send an email to with your information and contact details.