Fixed rate bond
United Kingdom
Save smarter with Raisin UK.
Access FSCS-protected savings accounts from over 40 banks and building societies.
Our simple online platform and app allow you to manage your money easily, at any time. With all your accounts under one roof, there’s no need to juggle multiple logins.
Why limit yourself to the high street? With over 40 banks and building societies at your fingertips, we give you more choice to find the right savings account for you.
From our refer a friend bonus to exclusive savings accounts offers, it’s easy to make your money work harder. We’ll always make sure you’re the first to hear about new top rates, too.
We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) technology for server authentication and data encryption, to ensure that your personal data and all communications sent through your Raisin UK Account are 100% safe and secure.
Your money is secure at every step. We’re authorised and regulated by the FCA (FRN: 813894), and we only work with banks that are protected by the FSCS (or the European equivalent), so you can deposit, manage and save with absolute confidence. Find out more about FSCS.
What’s in it for me?