The Help to Buy ISA: what you need to know

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In November 2019, the Help to Buy ISA closed to new applicants, but you can continue saving into the account if you already have one. Here you’ll learn how the Help to Buy ISA works, who qualifies, and how to claim the government bonus. We also consider some of the Help to Buy ISA alternatives, including government help with buying a home, other ways to save for a mortgage deposit, and some of the best savings accounts for a house deposit.

The rundown
  • How Help to Buy works: First-time buyers aged 16 or over can save up to £200 per month, with the government adding a 25% bonus (up to £3,000) when buying their first home
  • When does the Help to Buy ISA end: You can no longer open a Help to Buy ISA. Existing account holders can continue saving until November 2029
  • Help to Buy ISA alternatives: You can find other first-time buyer savings accounts like the Lifetime ISA, government schemes such as Shared Ownership, and high-interest savings accounts

What is a Help to Buy ISA?

A Help to Buy ISA is a type of savings account specifically designed to help first-time buyers save for a mortgage deposit. They were introduced in December 2015 as part of a government plan to help more people get onto the property ladder. As with other types of ISAs, any interest you earn is tax-free. However, the Help to Buy ISA also gives you the chance to earn a 25% government bonus, worth up to £3,000.

Figures released by the Treasury show 581,167 property completions have been supported by the Help to Buy ISA since it was first launched, with an average bonus value of £1,247*.

Is Help to Buy still available?

In 2019, the Help to Buy ISA closed to new applicants, although if you’re an existing account holder you can continue to save into your account until 30 November 2029. You then have until 1 December 2030 to claim your government bonus.

It’s worth bearing in mind that, although the scheme has now ended and there are no plans for a Help to Buy ISA replacement, there are some alternative government schemes for buying a house and ways of saving for a mortgage that can help first-time buyers get on the housing ladder. Find out more about some of the Help to Buy ISA alternatives below.

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How does a Help to Buy ISA work?

You could make an initial deposit of £1,200 into a Help to Buy ISA, followed by monthly contributions of up to £200 thereafter. The government will then top up your contributions by 25% (up to a maximum of £3,000) when you buy your first home.

Put simply, for every £200 you save in a Help to Buy ISA, the government will add another £50.

Under the Help to Buy ISA rules, you will need to save a minimum of £1,600 to receive the government bonus. The maximum £3,000 bonus is based on a balance of £12,000. You can pay in more than £12,000, but you won’t receive a government top-up on any savings over this limit.

The table below shows how this works in practice.

Your savings Government bonus Total value
£1,600 (minimum) £400 £2,000
£4,000 £1,000 £5,000
£7,000 £1,750 £8,750
£10,000 £2,500 £12,500
£12,000 (maximum) £3,000 £15,000

Your Help to Buy ISA savings do not need to cover the entire mortgage deposit; you can make up the remainder with any money you have in other savings accounts. However, bear in mind that you can’t pay into a Help to Buy ISA and a cash ISA in the same tax year (unless it’s a ‘split ISA’).

How does A Help to buy ISA workHow does A Help to buy ISA workHow does A Help to buy ISA work

Who qualifies for a Help to Buy ISA?

To qualify for the government bonus, you needed to meet the following conditions:

  • You must be aged 16 or over and a UK resident**
  • You must be a first-time buyer, meaning you’ve never owned a home anywhere in the UK or the world
  • The property must be in the UK
  • The property can have a purchase price of up to £250,000 or up to £450,000 in London (defined as inner and outer London boroughs)
  • The property must be your only home
  • The property must be where you intend on living (you can’t buy a home with the sole intention of renting it out)
  • The property must be purchased with a residential mortgage (not a buy-to-let mortgage)

** Certain exemptions may apply to Crown Service employees working overseas.

You can use a Help to Buy ISA with any residential mortgage; you don’t need to have a Help to Buy equity loan. What’s more, your mortgage doesn’t need to be with the same provider as your Help to Buy ISA, so be sure to research the market to find the best deal.

How do I claim the Help to Buy bonus?

Once you’re ready to buy a property, ask your bank to close your Help to Buy ISA. They’ll write a letter confirming the account is closed, which you’ll need to give to your solicitor or conveyancer. They will then use the letter to apply for the government bonus between the point of exchange and completion (don’t wait until after completion, as it will be too late). Bear in mind that your solicitor can charge an administration fee of up to £50+VAT for completing the application.

The government bonus can’t be used for the exchange deposit or to cover any associated costs, such as conveyancing fees. It can only be used towards the deposit paid at completion. This prevents someone from claiming the bonus and then pulling out of the sale.

You must apply for your Help to Buy bonus within 12 months of closing your account. The latest date you can claim your bonus is 1 December 2030.

Can I make withdrawals from a Help to Buy ISA?

You can withdraw money from your Help to Buy ISA at any point, but bear in mind that the government bonus is based on your closing balance (including interest). This means any money you take out before closing your Help to Buy ISA won’t be included in the final bonus calculation.

It’s also worth noting that the monthly deposit limit remains the same. So if you pay in the maximum amount of £200 at the start of the month and remove some or all of it a week later, you’ll need to wait until the following calendar month to make another contribution.

How to close a Help to Buy ISA

For most providers, you simply visit your bank branch and request to close the account. Some providers let you do this online.

It’s important to note that, if you close your account and transfer the funds to a Help to Buy alternative, such as a savings account, you may have to consider potential tax implications. However, because basic-rate taxpayers can earn up to £1,000 interest a year without paying tax (higher-rate taxpayers can make £500), many savers find tax isn’t an issue.

What was the Help to Buy Government Scheme?

The Help to Buy government scheme was an equity, or low-interest, loan from the government that you could put towards a deposit on a new-build property. First launched in 2013, the initiative was designed to support people who were struggling to save enough money for a deposit on a new home. The scheme was originally open to all types of buyers, however, new restrictions were imposed in 2021.
Help to Buy: Equity Loan closed to new applications on 31 October 2022. Homebuyers must have legally completed the purchase of their home by 31 May 2023 to be eligible for an equity loan. Similar schemes operate in Wales and Scotland.

Alternative ways to save for a mortgage deposit

If you’ve reached the monthly or yearly contribution limit for your Help to Buy ISA, you may need to look at Help to Buy ISA alternatives or other savings accounts. When looking for the best savings account for a house deposit in the UK, you’ll typically be looking for the top interest rates. You can find the best savings account for your needs and the most competitive interest rates, by comparing the different savings accounts available.

If you have some savings already, you may want to consider a long-term savings account such as a fixed rate bond. Fixed rate saving bonds allow you to lock a lump sum of money away for a set time, typically between six months and five years. They usually offer the most competitive interest rates of all account types and are ideal for long term savings goals. The compromise is that you can’t access your money during the term and, if you do, there may be significant financial penalties. A fixed rate savings account might therefore be a good option if you don’t intend to buy a property for several years.

Unlike ISAs, there’s no monthly or yearly cap on deposits into a fixed rate bond. It’s worth bearing in mind, however, that the interest on your savings in a fixed term bond is taxable, whereas ISAs are tax-free. This is one of the main benefits when you choose to take advantage of government help to save for a mortgage. That said, the personal savings allowance means 95% of savers won’t pay any tax on their interest. Read our article – Fixed rate bonds vs ISAs – for more information on the differences between the two types of accounts.

If you require more flexibility, a notice account may be a better option. A notice account lets you withdraw money when you give your savings provider a certain amount of notice, normally this is between 30 and 90 days. If you’re saving for a mortgage, you might not have advance notice of when you need to pay a deposit, so the flexibility to withdraw funds at short notice can be a big advantage.

What about the Lifetime ISA?

While the government hasn’t announced any plans for a Help to Buy ISA replacement, there is a similar scheme to help first-time buyers, the Lifetime ISA (LISA).

The Lifetime ISA is also designed to help people save for a first home (or retirement), and offers a 25% government bonus of up to £1,000 per year.

Anyone aged 18-39 can open a Lifetime ISA and save up to £4,000 per tax year into the account. To receive the bonus, you’ll need to purchase a property that costs £450,000 or less with any residential mortgage.

Help to Buy ISA vs Lifetime ISA

The Lifetime ISA follows Help to Buy ISA rules, i.e. you must be a UK resident and a first-time buyer to qualify for the LISA, meaning you’ve never owned a home anywhere in the UK or the world. The property must also be in the UK, be your only home, and be intended for your own residence, not for renting out. Unlike the Help to Buy ISA, the bonus is paid monthly rather than on completion. However, you’ll need to wait 12 months after opening a Lifetime ISA before you can use the money to buy your first home.

Help to Buy alternatives from the government

In addition to the LISA, there are several other Help to Buy ISA alternatives organised by the government together with housing associations and the local authorities.

You can choose from the following schemes to help first-time buyers:

Shared Ownership Scheme: You can purchase a share (usually between 25% and 75%) of a property’s market value and pay rent on the remaining share. You can gradually increase your ownership stake.

First Homes Scheme: First-time buyers can purchase a new-build house or other property at a discount of at 30% off the market price. This scheme aims to make it easier for those on lower incomes to have a chance of homeownership.

Rent to Buy: You can rent a new-build house or other property at a discounted rate (usually around 20% below market value) for a fixed period, with the option to purchase the property at a discounted price at the end of the period.

Mortgage Guarantee Scheme: If you want to buy a home, you can get a mortgage loan with a deposit of just 5% of the property’s purchase price, with the government providing lenders with a guarantee on the mortgage. This scheme runs until June 2025.

Right to Buy: This government home purchase scheme is available to council and housing association tenants in England. You can buy your home at a discount, making it easier to become a homeowner.

Save for a mortgage with Raisin UK

While we don’t currently offer Help to Buy ISA alternatives or Lifetime ISAs, you’ll find a wide range of alternative savings accounts on the Raisin UK marketplace.

Simply register for a Raisin UK account to apply online for fixed rate bonds, notice accounts, and easy access savings accounts from a range of UK partner banks and building societies. It only takes a few minutes and it’s completely free.

* HM Treasury Help to Buy: ISA Scheme Quarterly Statistics. Data from 1 December 2015 to 30 September 2023

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